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Spring Plant Sale Preparations

Updated: May 1, 2021

Hi P-Patchers!

We're getting ready for the Spring Plant Sale, which will be May 15th! Below are some of the items we're currently needing. Stay tuned for the volunteer sign-up and more details!

What we need from community:

  • Tables - Our supply of tables is minimal (card tables will work fine)

  • Benches - We have some benches

  • Canopy - Our canopy was stolen!

  • Boxes for purchasers to use to take their goodies home

  • Plant and gardening related items for donation!

    • Perennials/ grasses (divisions from home gardens - but please no daisies)

    • Unusual flowering annuals

    • Veggie starts ( tomatoes, peppers, squashes)

    • Herbs (not oregano)

    • Shrubs and trees

    • Summer flowering bulbs (like lilies)

    • Consider and set aside other garden-related items you might want to donate to the sale -- pretty pots, gardening books, and supplies!

Update 5/1/2021 - Information from an email sent 4/29:

Preparing plants for sale

Please label each individual plant pot with a tag with the plant name and the price. Also, please provide one picture (flowers/fruit) and some information (size, sun or shade, etc) for each group of plants of the same variety. Having picutres of the flowers/fruit really helps with selling. The picture can be the seed pack cover, a photo downloaded from the web, a photo you took, or a picture from a catalog. Please tape it on to a piece of cardboard and mount on it on a bamboo or wooden stick long enough so the picture can be seen above the plants.

Price ranges -

Here are some ranges for pricing your plants. It really helps if you price your plants rather than wait until the day of the sale for someone else do it when we are rushing around setting up. I have been checking nurseries and hardware stores to get an idea of pricing for plants. The idea is to sell our plants for less but charge a reasonable amount. Price at the lower end for something not full or on the wimpy side, higher for something you would buy from a nursery:

Veggie starts in small pots: $2 for one plant, $4 for two, pony packs $3

unusual peppers $3

Strawberries - small pots $1-2

Other fruit (raspberries etc.) 1 gallon pots $5-6, except figs - $12-15

Herbs - 1 gallon $4, 2-4 inch pots $2

Bulbs (lilies, dahlias, etc.) 1 gallon - $8-11, depending on how full/tall the plants are. Agapanthus - 1 gallon $12.

Perennials common & grasses - 1 gallon, $6 - 9, small pots $3-4

Perennials - uncommon or more valuable like peonies, lupine, lobelia, penstemon 1gal $10 - 12, small pots $ 4-5

Ferns - 1 gallon $10-13, smaller price accordingly

Annual flowers 4 - 6 inch pots 1 plant $2 - $3 more for multiple plants or larger pots, or annuals you can't find in a store

Shrubs - 1 gallon $9-13. Small pots $3-5

Trees - use your own judgement or contact me

Japanese maples - saplings un-named varieties small pots $4-10

Bamboo - 3-5 gallon pots $15-30

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