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Site Coordinator

Tim Peterson

Hello.  My Name is Tim Peterson. Love ️ the Earth. Green things - from algae that can feed us to huge monster trees. Nurturing the Land all around me is my Hobby. 


Thank You for reading. 

Cherry Tomatoes at the Farmers Market

Giving Garden Volunteer Coordinator

Sharon Schrenzel

"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.  To nuture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul." Alfred Auston.  I have enjoyed gardening in the Solstice P-Patch for ten years: learning about and tending growing vegetables.  Being part of a community garden is an exquisite experience because members of our P-Patch are caring, supportive, respectful of the land, and generous by sharing fresh produce with the larger community, shown by growing and tending a Giving Garden.  Grateful, I am.


Maintenance Coordinator

Are you a Solstice Gardener looking to get involved with the leadership team? We're looking for a maintenance coordinator. Please contact Tim Peterson, our Site Coordinator, with your interest and/or questions.


Volunteer Log Book Coordinator

Bess Whitaker

My name is Bess and I’ve been managing the volunteer log book for the past 3 years.

My family and I have been gardening in plot 11 for 7 years, I believe I started in March if 2012. Our daughter has grown up in the garden which has made it a very special place for all of us.  I enjoy growing my own food and trying out new varieties of tomato’s, cucumbers and zinnias. I love seeing how others garden and watching the way the garden changes over the seasons. 
I have really enjoyed getting to know many of the gardeners and being part of this lovely community. 


Finance Coordinator

Kara Brown

Gardening at the p-patch has been such a joy. My husband and I are novice gardeners, but there always seems to be a helpful soul around, willing to provide guidance. Working in the garden allows us to be part of a community, and the opportunity to get our hands in the dirt. We are especially grateful for the relationships that we have developed with other gardeners, and love watching our kids grow up around this fun-loving group.

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