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Digging into 2022

On March 26 we came together to welcome the arrivals of Spring and a huge pile of compost that the kids dubbed Moo Doo Mountain. The weather was perfect for weeding, mulching, planting, and reconnecting with the garden and each other after a long, dark winter.

Three children and an adult beside a large pile of compost with shovels and wheelbarrows
The majestic Moo Doo Mountain

The fantastic turnout by both veteran gardeners and newcomers meant we were able to cross off many items from our Early Season To-Do List.

The Giving Garden is looking great! Lots of volunteers came together to weed, spread compost, rake rows, and set up the string trellis for the legumes to come. We even got seeds and pea shoots into the ground, which really makes the growing season feel official.

The rhubarb also got some serious TLC! In addition to heavy weeding, we removed all the straw around the plants, added compost to nourish them in the growing season ahead, and replaced the straw.

Small green shoots in soil at the base of a string trellis
Pea shoots ready to grow
Four rows of rhubarb plants surrounded by straw mulch
Rhubarb, newly composted and mulched

At the other end of the garden, the raspberries and blueberries were given a thorough once-over as well. The rows were weeded and pruned as needed, and there were discussions about increasing soil acidity for the blueberries to boost their growth this season.

Thank you, P-Patch gardeners, for bringing your energy, good cheer, and delicious treats to our first work party of the year. We hope to see you on Sunday, April 10th from 3 to 4:30 PM at the garden for our Spring P-Patch Meeting!

Wide shot of the entire Solstice P-Patch garden- 5+ rows of mostly-empty plots with walkways between, and trees in the background
Our garden, ready for action

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